Know about the 5 most well-known factors responsible for neurodevelopmental disorders…

a doctor holding an mri result of the brain

What are the main responsible factors for neurodevelopmental disorders?

There are many factors responsible for neurodevelopmental disorders. More knowledge of these factors could help us in creating awareness.

The more we are aware, the less may be its prevalence.

The factors which we are going to discuss in this article are well-established by medical science.

However, these factors have fewer contributions and occurrences to the highly increasing rates of these disorders in the current scenario in our country.   

Let’s know about these 5 most well-known factors…

1) Genetics

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Genetics plays a major role in neurodevelopmental disorders.

Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Rett syndrome, Williams syndrome, and similar conditions are caused by genetic abnormalities.

We don’t have any control over genetic structures, but clinical testing and diagnostic procedures may help to take necessary actions.

What to Do:

Genetic counseling may help you in dealing with genetic disorders.

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2) Complications during delivery

Delivering a baby is a highly complicated and difficult process with a significant impact on both the baby and the mother.

Many complications can occur during this period, such as abnormal delivery positions, head injuries, umbilical cord problems, abnormal heart rates, birth asphyxia, prolonged labor, and excessive bleeding, all of which can harm both the baby and the mother in many ways.

Any of these complications could lead to neurodevelopmental issues such as ASD, ADHD, and MR, as well as neurological conditions like cerebral palsy.

What to Do:

Be conscious about the time and prefer delivery under an experienced and expert gynecologist.

3) Traumatic brain injuries in early childhood

mri images of the brain
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Early childhood is full of struggles and challenges for both a baby and the whole family.

During this period a baby tries to explore many things and learn a lot of things.

During this developmental phase, it is common to get physical hurts frequently.

However deep injuries to the brain are always harmful. If a baby can’t process any traumatic brain injury successfully, it may lead to neurodevelopmental issues like ASD, ADHD, MR, etc.

What to Do:

Wearing a baby helmet during this phase may make it preventive.

4) Neonatal/ Early childhood infections / Medical conditions

In the neonatal or very early childhood phase, there are high chances of different infections in the babies.

They are very sensitive to the outer environment, so many types of medical conditions may occur.

Any bacterial or viral infection could lead to serious health complications which may lead to neurodevelopmental disorders.

Pneumonia, rubella, meningitis, jaundice, diarrhea, high-grade fever, etc. could be very severe if not treated properly or neglected.

What to Do:

Complete vaccination listed by NHM (Govt. of India) and proper care for hygiene, food, and room environment must be adopted.

5) Environmental Toxicity

Many environmental substances, such as pesticides, lead, mercury, and PCBs, are linked to neurodevelopmental conditions like ASD, ADHD, and ID.

During pregnancy if a mother is exposed to these substances, it may harm the fetus; later it may lead to neurodevelopmental conditions mentioned above.

What to Do:

Knowing your environment and changing it is the only solution.

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Final Thought

Neglecting any factor during the pregnancy period may lead to serious health complications. So, more and more awareness is needed of this hour.

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