Why Neurodevelopmental disorders are highly increasing in our country: 5 vital reasons according to medical science

Why autism and ADHD are increasing in our country?
Why more and more children are suffering from developmental issues?
In the current scenario, the rates of neurodevelopmental disorders like autism, ADHD, cognitive deficits, mental retardation, and speech delay are highly increasing in our country.
The rise in neurodevelopmental disorders has become a major concern for parents, healthcare providers, and the public. The question of “why” and “how” this is happening is on everyone’s mind.
Terms like “neurodevelopmental disorders,” once obscure, are now at the forefront of concerns for parents, healthcare providers, and the public.
If we could analyze all the responsible factors, we might find that a few major changes are creating havoc.
Let’s discuss some established reasons by medical science for this increasing rate of neurodevelopmental disorders…
1) Genetic mutations

According to some specialists and some research reports, the increasing rates of genetic mutation are a prime cause behind the increasing rate of neurodevelopmental issues.
The increasing number of genetic mutations is due to the rise in mutagens such as radiation, chemicals, and infectious agents.
Excessive use of UV rays like X-rays, Gamma Rays, and UV lights, high use of certain chemicals like bromine, and exposure to certain harmful substances like arsenic, and lead or severe viral infections could alter genetic structure which may lead to neurodevelopmental issues like ASD, ADHD or MR.
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2) Increasing awareness
Increasing awareness of these issues is helping to identify more and more cases.
Speech delays, hyperactivity, cognitive deficits, and lack of socialization skills were present in many children before, but people were not aware that these are symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders.
So, they just ignored these signs and encouraged the child to cross the hurdles. Many children outgrew these issues to some extent over time, while many remained with the same conditions.
Yet people were not aware of terms like autism, ADHD, mental retardation, etc.
But nowadays, if a child doesn’t smile often, fails to listen sometimes, or shows rigid or aggressive behavior by the age of 18 months or 2 years, parents are quick to consult with a child specialist.
As a result, more and more cases are being identified, contributing to the increasing rates of neurodevelopmental issues.
3) Environmental toxicity

We all know the condition of our environment today.
The pollution index is just going high and high day by day. Excessive use of chemicals and pesticides is making it worse.
During pregnancy and early childhood, the babies haven’t developed enough to process these harmful substances, causing damage to them in many ways.
Substances like lead, arsenic, and chemicals such as bromine, as well as pesticides like monocrotophos, acephate, and malathion, can lead to neurodevelopmental issues in children.
4) Excessive parental stress

Due to the changing times and increasing demands of life, we are experiencing many stressors and leading undisciplined lifestyles.
Due to this many of us have developed the habits of addictions like drugs, alcohol, or smoking and many of us are fighting with depression, anxiety, or stress and taking medications for it.
A child born to a parent with such conditions may suffer from many health complications including neurodevelopmental conditions like autism, ADHD, mental retardation, etc.
5) High use of medications

In the past people always preferred to heal by nature, but today times have changed a lot.
Even for a simple cold, we often do not hesitate to immediately take strong antibiotics, which can have many adverse effects on our health in the long run.
The same principle also applies to our children. Within the first 2 to 3 years of life since their immune system is not mature enough to process the harmful effects of high antibiotics, it must create many health complications to them including developmental issues.
Though in emergency conditions we may have to give; but in other health issues we can follow other natural or homeopathic remedies for them which may not harm the way high antibiotics could.
Final Thought
Knowing about these reasons and taking preventive approaches could make the prevalence low. Prevention and early intervention for early onset are the only key to its success.
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